This makes dried fruits bad for teeth, increasing tooth decay risks and also bad for anyone struggling to maintain a healthy weight. Sulphur dioxide is a bleaching or disinfecting agent, although a minimum exposure isn’t that dangerous. आड़ू के 16 फायदे, उपयोग और नुकसान – Peach (Aadu fruit) Benefits and Side Effects in Hindi - November 27, 2020; ड्राई फ्रूट्स के फायदे, उपयोग और नुकसान – Dry Fruits Benefits, Uses and Side Effects in Hindi - November 12, 2020 The chemical is also used to enhance color in apricots, peaches and other yellow, orange and bright red fruits. Just are there are numerous benefits to eating dried fruits and nuts, there are also disadvantages. However, they should not be confused with the candied fruits that are less fruit and more of a sugar bomb. Dried plums or prunes have their own set of side effects. ).Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the side-effects of the drug. GI disturbance : because of high fiber in dry fruits, consuming too much of dry fruits might cause gas, bloating, cramps, constipation and diarrhea Tooth decay: Dry fruits coated with sugar to prevent further moisture loss and sticking with each other. For this purposes, inverted sugar syrup, processed honey or artificial sweeteners may be used which not only raise calorie content, but are also unhealthy overall. Yet, we incorporated it into our routine just for the sake of reaping the benefits. Cashew or Cashew nut (Kaju) is a popular dry fruit that is widely consumed all over the world in various ways like as a snack, as an ingredient of sweet dishes, as a topping on many vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes. Eating foods which contain higher levels of acrymalide can trigger constriction and … When our mothers told us to grab a handful of dry fruits and munch on them on our way to work or college, we hated it. 2) High salt content, bad for cardiovascular health. Increased risks for kidney and bladder stones Eating dry fruits daily is healthy for a human body in many ways. are traditionally known to be a powerhouse of nutrients. Keeping intake moderately low is the key to eating dried fruits and nuts and enjoy all the benefits they have to offer, without the side effects. They are also known to augment heart-related issues if consumed in unhealthy quantities. Even nuts and seeds are roasted and sweetened with processed honey, adding to their already high energetic value. Most important health benefits of dried plums or prunes include their heart health benefits, digestive health benefits, preventing and/or decreasing inflammation, and its weight loss benefits etc. Here are the top 8 side effects of dried fruits and nuts. From vitamins, dietary minerals, fiber and antioxidants to natural sugars. ), allergies, pre-existing diseases, and current health conditions (e.g. Natural Healing! Some dried fruits contain only a single ingredient: the fruit itself. One of the side-effects that has always bothered me the most is the bloating and the stomach aches, most prominent after eating tropical fruits (that I adore) like papaya and pineapple, or oranges; also, apples always make me soooo hungry! Salt, like sugar, makes food not necessarily taste better, but rather makes you want to eat more. 1) High sugar content, bad for teeth, diabetes and weight control. Examples of calorie content of dried fruits vs raw versions: – Cranberries, raw: 46 kcal/100 g – Cranberries, dried, sweetened: 308 kcal/100 g – Plums: 87 kcal/100 g – Prunes, unsweetened: 240-275 kcal/100 g – Fresh apricots: 86 kcal/100 g – Dried apricots: 225-300 kcal/100 g – Fresh dates: 21 kcal/100 g – Soft, dried dates: 270-300 kcal/100 g – Raw figs: 74 kcal/100 g – Dried figs: 249 kcal/100 g – Raw apples: 52-63 kcal/100 g – Dried apples: 243-300 kcal/100 g – Raw pears: 57-67 kcal/ 100 g – Dried pears: 262-330 kcal/100 g – Raw peaches: 39 kcal/100 g – Dried peaches: 239 kcal/100 g – Raw cherries: 63 kcal/100 g – Dried cherries: 300-345 kcal/ 100 g – Tart cherries: 50 kcal/ 100 g – Dried tart cherries, sweetened: 333-350 kcal/100 g – Pineapple, raw: 50 kcal/100 g – Dried pineapple, unsweetened: 300-325 kcal, sweetened: 375-380 kcal/100 g. 4) Contain added sugar and artificial sweeteners. But, when you cross the acceptable intake, you are at the risk of developing sulfite related allergies and sensitivities, even asthma. Ayurveda enthusiast! However, in the case of excessive consumption, they cause more harm than good. This practice is mostly reserved for nuts and seeds. Yoga For Sinus Infection: Clear The Congestion With These 5 Poses! This and choosing raw nuts and seeds and dried fruits from organic agriculture, if possible, unsweetened and without food coloring or additives for increasing shelf life. The main benefits of eating dried fruits and nuts include: 1) You get a high intake of dietary minerals, especially from nuts and seeds. Let us make you aware of the dark side – the side effects of dry fruits when consumed in a excess quantities! And because the process has to be cost-effective, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils are used. Figs contain protein, fiber, and iron, among many other nutrients. 1 Most of the side effects of lemon are due to its high acidity, and some are due to vitamin C overdose. Ideally, they are meant to be snacked on which basically means you should be only eating small amounts. What Is Mistletoe? And since the process has to be made cost-effective, honey blends or honey with added artificial sweeteners or corn syrup is used. Researchers have found that individuals whose diet are rich in certain fruits like Grapefruits, Lemons, Oranges, Bananas, Raisins, Figs, Avocados, Papayas, often … When there’s an excessive intake of dry fruits, their sugar levels (partly natural and partly added) start hampering your health. While plums are clearly one of the most nutritious fruits available today, those who want to take this fruit – including the dried version of it – should be wary about the following possible side effects when consumed in high amounts: 1. In addition to the fat found naturally in nuts and seeds, it is common for producers to also roast these foods in oil for a more special flavor. Get regular exercise. Most of the time, you don’t know where the fruits, nuts and seeds you eat come from or have no real guarantee they come from organic agriculture. Some side effects of rituximab may occur that usually do not need medical attention. Despite their moderate to low glycemic index, dried fruits are also not always a good option for diabetics because of their high sugar content which can easily lead to spikes in blood glucose levels and complications. It can also lead to excessive sweating of hands and feet. And in the case of some fruits that are naturally tart or bitter like goji berries, extra sugar may be added to obtain a better, more commercial taste. Some of the side effects of eating dried fruits are: The high sugar content increases the risk of diabetes. by Jaideep. Adding salt to nuts and seeds in order to increase consumption of these food products also means creating a predisposition for high water retention, swollen feet, legs and arms as well as high blood pressure with the cardiovascular events it generates over time. Dried fruit effects on health. Figs are harmful to our liver too. These seeds can cause an obstruction in the intestines and harm them. Dried fruits are essentially dehydrated fruits, whether they have been left to dry in the sun, in the shade or have been mechanically dried, in a microwave or at home in the oven. When you increase your calorie intake by eating too many dry fruits, it’s obvious to add those extra kilos. However, excessive intake becomes a risky affair as high protein content in dry fruits results in critical acne on your facial skin. जनवरी 11, 2020. Dry fruits have a rich fiber content which is essential for the smooth functioning of the digestive system. Please do not substitute it for professional medical advice. This is true for dried nuts and seeds. 5) Contain fats for brain health and beautiful skin. What Is it Used For? This concerns fruits. In just a matter of a month, you can easily gain up to 2 pounds all due to excessive consumption of dry fruits. Here are the top 8 side effects of dried fruits and nuts. Loves Yoga! Pitta dominated people are worst affected! While the process itself does not change the healthy fats in nuts and seeds, the use of hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils does add unhealthy trans fats into your diet, raising your risks of high cholesterol levels and cardiovascular disease over time, assuming you eat roasted nuts and seeds all the time. 8) May contain pesticides and other contaminants. This toxic compound results from the interaction between the amino acid asparagine found in most nuts and seeds and sugars such as glucose and fructose, making honey roasted nuts and seeds a lot less healthy than salted and roasted nuts and seeds. Coronavirus: What Is It? For example, in asthma sufferers, sulfur dioxide can trigger an asthma episode and other breathing-related reactions. Dry fruits, especially prunesare a great source of fiber. However, consuming too many dates can increase overall calorie and sugar intake. However, in the case of excessive consumption, they cause more harm than good. 2) Good vitamin content, except for heat sensitive vitamins like vitamin C. 3) Lots of dietary fiber for good digestion, relieving constipation and healthy blood cholesterol levels. These don’t require refrigeration, can even be kept untouched for quite a long time and there are minimum chances of discoloration. It leads to constipation, cramping, bloating and gas. For those products that are provided for consumption with skin, pesticides may also be an issue. pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc. Specify Facebook App ID and Secret in Super Socializer > Social Login section in admin panel for Facebook Login to work, Specify Google Client ID and Secret in Super Socializer > Social Login section in admin panel for Google Login to work. Therefore, only a modest quantity is healthy, or else there are unpleasant side effects of dry fruits. The Health Risks of Sulfur Dioxide in Dried Fruits | Side effects not requiring immediate medical attention. Ingredients discussed can interfere with certain medications. This is why it’s important to check the label for ingredients and overall choose a food product that guarantees a certain quality. 15 Best Ayurveda Books: From Prakriti To Practicality – The List Has It All! It becomes sticky and decays your teeth. I wish you all good luck … vitamins, herbal supplements, etc. Before using B Protin Dry Fruit Powder, inform your doctor about your current list of medications, over the counter products (e.g. Note: This article is solely for the purpose of sharing information. 7) Contain chemicals. Let’s Clear the Air. The use of honey blends and other sweeteners when roasting nuts and seeds leads to the formation of a potentially carcinogenic compound called acrylamide. (Never eat these non-veg in pregnancy at all) Side effects of Eating dried Fruits in pregnancy. 7 dry fruits you should include in your diet to stay healthy Dry fruits are a great source of proteins, vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, and an ideal substitute for high-calorie snacks. To make them more palatable and make people eat more and more, instead of roasting and salting them, they are roasted and sweetened with honey. Further information. But real honey, raw, certified is expensive (read about your favorite honey varieties). Dried fruits like dates contain acrymalide – a nerve damaging chemical. How are dried fruits and nuts bad for you? Other side effects such as headaches, migraines, sneezing, rashes, throat itching or swelling, itching in the mouth can occur after eating dried fruits containing sulfur dioxide. 3) Rich in calories, problematic for diabetes, weight management. However, it should be kept in mind that anything beyond the necessary amount would lead to problems rather than benefits. Dried fruits are sticky and sugar coating makes them stickier. One of the most dangerous side effects of figs is its ability to harm our intestines. A spoonful of dry fruits at the end of a meal is an assurance of good digestion. Raisins, prunes, and dates have always been those go-to healthy snacks. It also helps pregnant with problems like anemia, tiredness, dizziness, weakness, vomiting, and indigestion. The usage of sulfur in dry fruits makes them toxic to your health when consumed in an unreasonable amount. Therefore, only a modest quantity is healthy, or else there are unpleasant side effects of dry fruits. 6 Delightfully Surprising Pineapple Health Benefits, Wheatgrass Juice Benefits: A Wholesome & Healthful Green Potion, Camping Hacks & Tips: Camp Like A Champ The Ayurveda Way. Dry fruits are a universal super food loaded with essential nutrients. Dry fruits, especially prunes are a great source of fiber. Consider these strategies: ... such as fresh fruits and vegetables, brans, and whole grains. So, below are the things you need to take care of: One of the major side effects of dry fruits is how their shelf life is increased for a much longer duration by adding harmful preservatives. Further adding to the side effects of dried fruits and nuts are artificial sweeteners used to counteract the natural bitterness or tartness of some fruits and refined vegetable oils used for roasting different seed and nut varieties. Dates are a naturally sweet source of fiber. Side effects may include nausea, weight gain, drowsiness, insomnia, dry mouth, constipation, dizziness, anxiety or sexual side effects. The health risks of sulfur dioxide in dried fruit may be severe for those with an allergy or asthma. 6) Roasted in processed vegetable oils. Side Effects and Precautions of Raisins: Raisins are natural dry fruit that do not have any side effects as such. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. However, you can still take them in moderation. Just as important, some fruits like dates, kiwifruit or pineapple are often candied or glazed to make them more palatable, which makes them no longer healthy dried fruit, but candy. However, if you are diabetic or have elevated blood sugar levels, you should consult your doctor or limit your consumption according to the severity. diarrhea. Both actually, their health effects depending on how much you eat and whether or not you have healthier options available to chose from (they’re still better than processed foods). It is POSSIBLY SAFE when used as a medicine for most adults in amounts up to about 50 grams per day. ... Dry mouth is a common side effect of many antidepressants. Common dried fruits contain 38–66% sugar, and eating too much of them may contribute to weight gain and various health problems. Consider overall dates nutrition when adding this food to your diet. If you do eat dehydrated fruits and have diabetes, it’s best to eat them infrequently and in small amounts and always talk to your doctor first. In addition to this, it is a known food allergen and can cause anaphylaxis in individuals sensitive to it. This is because seeds of figs are very hard and don’t get digested easily. Dried fruits may cause you to have gas, abdominal cramping, bloating, constipation or possibly diarrhea. Not only this, by eating a limited amount of dry fruits in pregnancy, the brain development and physical development of the baby are good. Similar to several other healthy snacks, dry fruits too have their own positives and negatives. 14 min read. And as the water content has been entirely removed, sugar and calorie concentration becomes higher. present in them. Please Support My Work With a PayPal Donation. While it’s an essential nutrient and you need sodium to stay alive and be healthy, too much of it is a problem. ड्राई फ्रूट्स के फायदे और नुकसान – Dry Fruits Benefits And Side effects in Hindi. By weight, dried fruits contain up to 3.5 times more fiber, vitamins and minerals than fresh fruits. What Are Its Health Benefits? benefits of pine nuts and its side effects PINE NUTS commonly known as CHILGOZA PINE or CHILGOZA are rich in carbohydrates and proteins,which make this fruit a good dietary supplement for the body. They get stick to your teeth and cause tooth decay. Eating Cashew nuts is very beneficial for our health because of the number of healthy nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids etc. This concerns fruits. The lighter and brighter the color, the more sulfur dioxide the fruits contain. Let us make you more susceptible to the formation of a sugar bomb the side-effects of the side effects dried., vomiting, and current health conditions may make you more susceptible the! Professional medical advice about side side effects of dry fruits ( e.g to natural sugars has its own pro and. Consuming too many dates can increase overall calorie and sugar intake rather than benefits and its Importance be issue... For you partially hydrogenated oils are used there are unpleasant side effects substitute it for professional advice! Eating too many dry fruits in adequate amount so that there is no side effects color! Blood sugar Levels and Dental health dried fruits may cause you to have gas, cramping. 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