Ardern thanks 'team of 5 million' as New Zealand reopens schools and offices. You also can download and complete the. If you do not have a reimbursement policy, you may want to consider the basis on which such decisions are made so they are consistently applied to all employees. MELBOURNE . If not recommended for testing, they will be able to return to school or their early learning service when they are feeling well and no longer displaying symptoms. The ability to quickly trace close contacts of a confirmed case is a key defence against further transmission of COVID-19. As schools do not pay income tax, this tax exemption is not applicable to you. For schools and early learning services this means: At all levels, upon advice from the local medical officer of health, any educational facilities connected to a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 must close on an individual or group basis for 72 hours to allow contact tracing, and then potentially for a further 14 days. We have advised project managers for school-led projects of the changes. Annual Reporting and School Audit Process. (function () { This year’s review has addressed some of the key pain points we’ve heard from the construction industry including risk allocation, warranties and securities requirements. // We need to continue to be vigilant – wash and dry hands, and recall where we have been so that we can contact trace if required. There are no other changes to the 2020 term dates. © 2020 Independent Schools of New Zealand. apiKey: "3efca76f7351f02e384b8754abb6397b", Students achieving 12 credits at Merit or Excellence level in a course – rather than 14 – will be awarded a course endorsement. The last community-transmitted case occurred 40 days ago and New Zealand hospitals currently have no Covid-19 cases. Most schools have between 100 and 2000 students.New Zealand school students enjoy focused, personal attention from teachers. We have summarised the existing health and safety requirements for each Alert Level into the relevant documents below: Health and safety guidance for early learning services – Alert Levels 1–4 [PDF, 792 KB], Health and safety guidance for playgroups – Alert Levels 1–4 [PDF, 766 KB], Health and safety guidance for schools – Alert Levels 1–4. Where a bus services more than one school, the ‘head school’ will hold the master list. No physical distancing is required on Ministry, regional council or Auckland Transport school bus or public transport services. Once the health team receive your completed template, they will call you to run a quick verification check; then they can generate your poster and it will be emailed to you. Find out more on the Unite Against COVID-19 website. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is preparing to lift New Zealand's coronavirus response to level 4, which will see schools, universities and all non-essential businesses closed. Linkedin Register for Flutracking online(external link), COVID-19: Ministry of Health(external link), COVID-19: Information in other languages – Ministry of Health(external link), COVID-19: Easy Read information – Ministry of Health(external link), Unite against COVID-19 – NZ Government website(external link), Last reviewed: 22 December 2020 Ākonga in wharekura may benefit from use of this platform to support their studies towards NCEA standards derived from the NZC. Schools are closed to stop the spread of the virus and we are self-isolating to help prevent our people getting sick and having to … Some people with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 may be tested as part of Health’s ongoing surveillance to ensure that there is no community transmission in New Zealand. If you choose to use it, the MSWord template letter for parents/caregivers regarding Alert Level 1 is available here. Covid-19 actually kept more rich kids in school than usual, while scaring poorer kids away. If you are scanning the document for publication, then it is also fine to redact or cover up the signatures. The May 2020 examinations were cancelled. Learning involves a balance of practical and theoretical learning. It should also be noted that while the Statement of Responsibility document should be signed by school’s principal and board chair, the documents you then publish online do not need to contain these signatures; a typed name for each signature is sufficient. The Cabinet approved threshold for approval is very high. If anyone has symptoms but is unsure if they have been exposed to COVID-19, they should ring Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or their GP for advice. You also can download and complete the Ministry of Health poster generating template and email it back to Health.Once the health team receive your completed template, they will call you to run a quick verification check; then they can generate your poster and it will be emailed to you. These online courses were developed by Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura) and cover a wide range of NCEA subjects and levels aligned with the NZC. These online courses were developed by Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu (Te Kura) and cover a wide range of NCEA subjects and levels aligned with the NZC. All applications for “other critical workers” must be made directly to MBIE via window.onload = function () { Visit this page for the latest information on COVID-19 for the education sector from the Ministry of Education. If you have teaching staff that you have recruited or are recruiting from overseas, you should consider the latest guidance for these applications. The Ministry expects everyone managing construction sites on behalf of the Ministry or schools to continue to apply the guidance provided in the document New Zealand COVID-19 Construction Protocols. Soap, water and the ability to dry hands should be provided in bathrooms. To support students, further changes to NCEA and University Entrance requirements will be made for this school year. We are also able to provide customised attendance reports for participating schools for you to share with your boards, as well as regional and national trends. The emergency payment scheme was established at the beginning of Alert Level 4 to support casual workers hired on an ‘as-needed’ basis who would be left with no or limited income during the COVID-19 pandemic response. School transport services are now back to normal. New Zealand will allow schools and businesses to reopen after a strict four-week Covid-19 lockdown, but people must work and study from home if they can. The Ministry of Education is not a decision maker in this process, however will provide guidance on applications to Immigration NZ if they request it. We understand some of you will therefore not be able to submit your school’s annual reports to us by 31 May and we want to assure you that you will not be penalised. This includes Cambridge IGCSE, Cambridge O Level, Cambridge International AS & A Level, Cambridge AICE Diploma and Cambridge Pre-U. Term 1 and 2 attendance data collections will resume once Term 3 is underway. See the latest news on COVID-19 from Immigration New Zealand. The novel coronavirus has now reached three Auckland schools as New Zealand's case toll climbs to 66. There are no restrictions on personal movement so all students, children and staff continue to be safe to go to school / early learning, and all students must attend school. Free call 0800 697 296 (if calling from NZ). All schools and early learning services are encouraged to display a QR code poster for the. However, you are not required to maintain a contact tracing register at Alert Level 1.The majority of schools and a large number of early learning service providers should have received an email from the Ministry of Health: Families should refer to their regional council (or Auckland Transport) website for more information on the timing of this, if it has not already begun in your area. This article is more than 6 months old. })(); Ministry Bulletin for School Leaders | He Pitopito Kōrero, COVID-19 bulletins for tertiary education providers and students, COVID-19 bulletins for tertiary education provide, Adult : child ratios in mixed-age services, Transitioning children with learning support needs, Operational Guidelines for Home-based HS22 – first aid qualification condition clause, Early Childhood Advisory Committee (ECAC), English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), Online ESOL support for students in schools, The education and disability legislation guiding our approach to learning support, Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour Service, Getting help for students with additional learning needs from the Specialist Teacher Outreach Service, Support for children who are blind or have low vision, Supporting children who are deaf and hard of hearing, Behaviour services to help schools and students, Te Kahu Tōī, Intensive Wraparound Service (IWS), Supporting students with speech, language and communication needs, Information for schools about teacher aide funding, National Transition Guidelines for students with additional learning needs, Entering into a Specialist Education Agreement (previously known as Section 9 Agreements), Supporting children and young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), In-Class Support funding for students with ongoing learning needs, Working with parents to resolve problems about learning support, Helping children and young people in the youth justice system to engage in education, Archiving and disposing of school records, Enrolling students (as domestic students) who are living unlawfully in New Zealand, Apply for access to the Attendance Service Application (ASA), Legal responsibilities and national guidelines for schools on attendance, Learning support — Introduction to the sharing information guide, Sharing information about an individual without identifying them, Prohibiting gang insignia on school property, Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions guidelines - part 1, Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions guidelines - part 2, Guidelines for the provision of pastoral care, guidance and counselling, Helping children and young people while they are learning at home, Children’s Act 2014 requirements for schools and kura, Preparing for emergencies, traumatic incidents, evacuations and lockdowns, Planning for an epidemic/pandemic event (quick guide), Civil defence emergency relief at schools, School Building Insurance Funding Programme, Checking your property after a major incident, Risk identification, assessment and management, Food safety for schools and kura (Food Act 2014), Guidelines for schools to develop or review a firearms policy, Police vetting for school property contractors, Injury and illness management, support and rehabilitation, CPR Training and Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in schools, Communicable diseases in early learning services and schools: a guide to legal powers, Health and safety requirements for school and early learning service leaders, Health and Safety requirements for boards and school leaders, Implementing the Health and Safety at Work Act — a guide for early learning services, Practice framework resources for health and safety, Professional development in health and safety, Safe use and electrical equipment testing, School construction projects during COVID-19 Alert Levels, Property projects led by schools and by the Ministry, 10 Year Property Plan - information for consultants, Technical information for ICT contractors, Performance management of construction suppliers, Health and safety incident reporting on Ministry-led construction projects, Treaty of Waitangi Settlements Property Redress Programme, Roles and responsibilities in property management, Private schools' registration and management, Public private partnerships to build schools, Integrating schools into the state system, Historic heritage features on school sites, Modular buildings for new spaces at schools, Learning support and specialist school related facilities' property entitlement, Accidents and incidents on school transport, Information for Directly Resourced schools, Eligibility for school transport assistance, Resourcing – operational funding and staffing entitlements, Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR), Resource teacher learning and behaviour (RTLB) support funding, Special purpose units (activity centres, teen parent units, other), School funding for Programmes for Students (PfS), Non-teaching staff – funding for settlement of collective agreements, International Student Wellbeing Strategy 2019/20 funding, International student wellbeing strategy funding round 2017/18 outcomes, International Student Wellbeing Strategy Funding Round 2018/19 outcomes, Furniture and equipment funding for state schools, Furniture and equipment for integrated schools, Capital and maintenance funding for integrated schools, Accommodation for Learning Support Coordinators, Schools' annual report (annual financial statement) resources, Related parties — state-integrated schools, Risk Management Scheme — contents and liability insurance, What Families/Whānau Need To Know About School/Kura Donations, Examples of what Families/Whānau Need To Know About School/Kura Donations, Decile 1–7 schools and kura choosing to opt-in to the donations scheme, Examples for Decile 1-7 Schools/Kura opting in to the Donations Scheme, Decile 8–10 Schools/Kura and Schools/Kura Not Opting In to the Donations Scheme, Examples for Decile 8–10 Schools/Kura and Schools/Kura Not Opting In to the Donations Scheme, Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu Early Childhood teachers, Police vetting for schools and kura Māori, Scholarships, awards and funding for people working in schools, Te Aho o te Kura Pounamu specialist and support staff, Special residential school non-teaching staff, Kaiārahi i te Reo, therapists, ATSSD and special education assistants, Special terms or conditions (concurrence), Advanced Classroom Expertise Teacher Allowance, Specialist Teacher Allowance and Specialist Classroom Teacher Allowance, Medical retirement for principals and teachers, Digital technology safe use guide for schools, Digital Technology: Safe and responsible use in schools, Contacting vendors of school management systems, Early Notification — messages about absences, electronic Attendance Register (eAR) tracks attendance, Property data and asset management systems, TELA+ digital devices for teachers and principals, Protect your school from cyber-attacks and cyber security breaches, Ministry newsletters and education related websites, More information on setting term dates, holidays and closing days, Religious instruction guidelines for primary and intermediate schools, Media enquiries – Information for schools, All-of-Government (AoG) office supplies contract, Pacific Education Foundation Scholarships (PEF), Employment outcomes for tertiary education graduates for different tertiary providers, Education (Pastoral Care of Domestic Tertiary Students) Code of Practice, Pastoral Care for domestic tertiary students Q&A, Paying the Export Education Levy - SDR providers, Paying the Export Education Levy - non-funded PTEs, Mission Statement for the Centres of Research Excellence (CoREs), Tertiary education institution name change criteria, Supplying goods and services (procurement), The Prime Minister's Education Excellence Awards, Senior Advisors: Refugee and Migrant Support contact details, Auckland office accessible carpark and access, Complaints options independent of the Ministry, Consultation on the Export Education Levy (EEL) 2019, Consultation on compulsory student services fees, Consulting on the Annual Maximum Fee Movement rate for 2020, Havelock North and surrounding area — Future schooling provision, Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020–2030, Ka Hikitia – Ka Hāpaitia | Te Rautaki Mātauranga Māori (te reo Māori), Ka Hikitia – Ka Hāpaitia | The Māori Education Strategy (English), Te Aho Ngārahu – fostering te reo Māori through localised curriculum resources, Tau Mai Te Reo | The Māori Language in Education Strategy (English), Tau Mai Te Reo | Te Rautaki mā te Reo Māori i roto i te Mātauranga (te reo Māori), Summary of Te Hurihanganui: Community Implementation, Te Rautaki Rawa Kura – The School Property Strategy 2030, The Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) and the Tertiary Education Strategy (TES), NZ Sign Language videos: The Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) and the Tertiary Education Strategy (TES), Ka Ora, Ka Ako | healthy school lunches programme, Background information about the Learning Support Update, A new model for delivering learning support, Practical guidance and tools to help implement the Learning Support Delivery Model, Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko learning, More information on the curriculum change, Holidays Act Compliance — schools payroll, Holidays Act compliance — Ministry payroll, Data for Wellbeing programme (was Integrated Education Data – iEd), Rebuilding Christchurch Schools 2013-2022, How we're using vacant school sites in Christchurch, Christchurch Schools Rebuild Programme Newsletters, Improving Classrooms in Small or Remote Schools, Privacy Act 2020 – resources for schools and early learning services, The Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) and the Tertiary Education Strate, Rebuild at Christchurch Girls High School, Extending eligibility to student support to people who were affected by the Christchurch mosques terror attack, Massey University Early Literacy Research Project, Education (Early Childhood Services) Amendment Regulations 2019, Action Plan for Pacific Education 2020-2030, Secondary School Attendance in Auckland under Alert Level 3, Responses to Official Information Act requests, Transparency statement about information gathering for regulatory compliance purposes, Education and Training Act 2020: Regulatory Impact Assessments and Supplementary Analysis Report, The Education and Training Act 2020: Parents, whānau and students, The Education and Training Act 2020: Information for Boards, The Education and Training Act 2020: Early Learning me ngā Kōhanga Reo, The Education and Training Act 2020: Te Tiriti o Waitangi, The Education and Training Act 2020: Information for the disability sector, The Education and Training Act 2020: Information for principals and teachers, The Education and Training Act 2020: Tertiary Education and Training, Education and Training Act 2020: Improving planning and reporting, Education and Training Act 2020: Prohibiting the provision of NCEA offshore, Education and Training Act 2020: Strengthening Te Kura's Governance Arrangements, Education (Pastoral Care) Amendment Act 2019, Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Act 2020, Education (School Donations) Amendment Act 2019, Regulations to better support international students, The National Administration Guidelines (NAGs), Briefing documents for Incoming Ministers, Summary of Vote Education and Vote Tertiary Education initiatives, Vote Education and Vote Tertiary Education initiatives Budget 2020 - five year funding breakdown, Supporting Māori learners, Kōhanga Reo, and revitalising te reo Māori, Trades and Apprenticeships Training Package, Adult and Community Education - a modern approach to night classes, Paving the way for a fully qualified early learning workforce, Further investment to move NCEA exams online, Summary of Education Portfolio Budget 2019 initiatives, Education Portfolio Initiatives Budget 2019 - Five year funding breakdown, Government introduces donations scheme for Decile 1-7 schools, Te Kōhanga Reo Contingency Fund - Budget 2019, Government invests to bolster teacher supply, Increased learning support for pre-schoolers, Increased support for Deaf and hard-of-hearing students, and assistive technology, New funding for Pacific Education through Budget 19, Vote Education Summary of Initiatives - Budget 2018, Vote Tertiary Education Summary of Initiatives - Budget 2018, Advice for tertiary providers/whare wānanga, He Pānui Kōhungahunga | The Early Learning Bulletin, The Ministry Bulletin for School Leaders | He Pitopito Kōrero, Additional funding for immediate costs due to COVID-19, Advice for schools with international students, Video conferencing options and guidance for early learning services, schools and kura, Health and safety guidance for early learning services – Alert Levels 1, Health and safety guidance for playgroups, Unite against COVID-19 – NZ Government website. 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