DROP TABLE removes tables from the database. The following JDBC program drops the employee table. The IF EXISTS clause has been supported since SQL Server 2016 13.x. Dropping of TEMPORARY tables are prefixed in the log with TEMPORARY. Drop Schema is a command that drops a respective schema from the database server. In SQL Server if we want to drop a table only if it exists then here's the code: IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.tables WHERE name='TABLE_NAME') DROP TABLE TABLE_NAME -- The rest of the code goes here The DROP TABLE SQL statement enables you to delete a table from the database. If the table to drop does not exist, an exception is thrown. It works fine if the object exists in the database. A table is the key storage object in any relational database management system ().We will start building our business solution with one active table, one audit table and two reference tables. Use tempdb GO DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.Test; GO CREATE TABLE dbo.Test ( Id INT ) GO. Syntax DROP SCHEMA [ IF EXISTS ] schemaName Example DROP TEMPORARY TABLE list_of_non_transactional_temporary_tables … In MySQL, you can also remove multiple tables using a single DROP TABLE statement, each table is separated by a comma (,).. DROP TABLE has the following characteristics in replication: 1. Note that you need to have the roles of the superuser, schema owner, or table owner in order to drop tables. This statement dropped not only the brands table but also the foreign key constraint fk_brand from the cars table.. DROP TABLE IF EXISTSare always logged. In SQL Server 2016 And Higher. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA is ANSI SQL compliant and is intended to enable the finding of database object information. Applies to: SQL Server (all supported versions) Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Parallel Data Warehouse. The DROP TABLE statement deletes the specified table, and any data associated with it, from the database. The following JDBC program drops the employee table. The DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS, DROP TABLE IF EXISTS, and DROP VIEW IF EXISTS statements are always replicated, even if the database, table, or view to be dropped does not exist on the source. The example can be executed from any database on the server instance. select count(*) into v_exist from user_tables where table_name = 'TABLE_NAME' if cnt = 1 then execute immediate 'drop table TABLE_NAME'; end if; end; I used the user_tables view because you may have select access to another schema table but not a drop table privilege. To report the dependencies on a table, use sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities. The DROP IF EXISTS method can also be used with other types of database objects to enable a consistent, easy approach to writing data definition language (DDL) statements in your SQL code. It will not work from the current schema. In SQL Server 2016, Microsoft introduced DIY or DROP IF EXISTS functionality. Requires ALTER permission on the schema to which the table belongs, CONTROL permission on the table, or membership in the db_ddladmin fixed database role. DROP TABLE cannot be used to drop a table that is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS schema-name. sp_spaceused (Transact-SQL) If both the referencing table and the table that holds the primary key are being dropped in the same DROP TABLE statement, the referencing table must be listed first. Drop Table Statement. DROP TABLE without IF EXISTS for tables that don't exist are not written to the binary log. In case the object does not exist, and you try to drop, you get the following error. Applies to: SQL Server ( SQL Server 2016 (13.x) through current version). Description. Windows Azure SQL Database does not support four-part names.IF EXISTSApplies to: SQL Server ( SQL Server 2016 (13.x) through current version).Conditionally drops the table only if it already exists.s… DROP VIEW (Transact-SQL) If you want to remove a table in a specific database, you use the [schema_name.] SQL Server Drop Table If Exists. IF EXISTS option can also be used in ALTER TABLE statement to drop column or constraint. To view Transact-SQL syntax for SQL Server 2014 and earlier, see Previous versions documentation. In previous versions of Sql Server we use statement like below to drop the Table if exists. IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.Tables WHERE Name = N'Customers' AND Type = N'U') BEGIN DROP TABLE dbo.Customers END. If you re-create a table, you must rebind the appropriate rules and defaults, re-create any triggers, and add all required constraints. Although if Test table doesn’t exist, DROP TABLE IF EXISTS doesn’t cause any error it silently ignores it. MySQL generates an error if you try to drop a table that does not exist. The following example removes the ProductVendor1 table and its data and indexes from the current database. CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL)